# 背景
mark down記述の情報サイトを作っていて、サイトのメタ情報に記述以外のテキスト情報を
# 質問内容
How to extract text only from markdown
# 回答
Extracting text from Markdown involves parsing the Markdown content and converting it into plain text, while discarding any formatting, links, images, and other Markdown-specific elements. You can achieve this using libraries available in various programming languages. Below, I'll provide examples in Python using the markdown library and JavaScript using remarkable.
Python using markdown library:
You can use the markdown library to parse and convert Markdown to plain text. If you haven't installed the library yet, you can install it using pip:
pip install markdown
Here's a simple Python script to extract text from a Markdown file:
import markdown
def extract_text_from_markdown(markdown_content):
html_content = markdown.markdown(markdown_content)
plain_text = ''.join(html_content.itertext())
return plain_text
# Read Markdown content from a file
with open('your_markdown_file.md', 'r') as file:
markdown_content = file.read()
plain_text = extract_text_from_markdown(markdown_content)
JavaScript using remarkable library:
For JavaScript, you can use the remarkable library to parse and convert Markdown to plain text. You can install it using npm:
npm install remarkable
Here's an example JavaScript code snippet to extract text from Markdown using remarkable:
const Remarkable = require('remarkable');
const md = new Remarkable();
function extractTextFromMarkdown(markdownContent) {
const htmlContent = md.render(markdownContent);
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = htmlContent;
return div.textContent || div.innerText;
// Example Markdown content
const markdownContent = `
# Heading 1
This is some **bold** *italic* text.
- List item 1
- List item 2
[Link to Google](https://www.google.com)
const plainText = extractTextFromMarkdown(markdownContent);
Remember to replace the markdownContent with your actual Markdown content.
Both of these examples demonstrate how to convert Markdown content to plain text, effectively extracting the text and discarding the Markdown formatting and other elements.
# 所感